Today the whole team went to Malewa
Primary School to meet 300 elementary and middle school kids. The
night before, we had a quick planning meeting about a bible story we
could teach the kids. We all agreed that the story of Zacchaeus in
Luke would be appropriate for the students. We decided that Carrie
would read the passage from Luke and I would make the application for
the kids. Then we all taught them the song we all know from childhood
and taught some basic motions for the song. After several times
through, the kids had it. After we finished the song, we took the
kids outside to play soccer and we taught them Duck, Duck, Goose!
Then they taught us some name games where we had to remember names in
a few minutes time; that turned out to be interesting as some of
their names were Swahili and others were English.

We left Malewa to have lunch and begin
our afternoon duties. We took Simon, a pastor of a few churches with
on the way back. He and Matt had to ride on the carriage on the roof
of the Land Rover. How scary, but after some time, I wanted to try
it, but I was always dressed inappropriately for that rugged of a
Simon's wife is a teacher at Malewa and
she mainly deals with the spiritual side of their education.
Associated with the school is a church where the head leader is
called a prophet. This prophet is idolized to put in bluntly. Before
we arrived, there had been some controversy about our coming and the
head of the school had tried to cancel the event. Apparently, the
prophet of the church didnt feel that missionaries coming to teach
the kids about the bible was a good idea. So you can see why I used
the word “idolized” in describing the situation. Once again,
seeing and hearing firsthand helps us know how to pray for schools
like Malewa and churches.
We enjoyed a relaxing lunch and then
headed up to the work site to build the trusses for the community
center. We used raw cut damp spongy cypress “2x4” wood. I learned
a lot about building trusses. I can officially add that to my
After several customized cuts for each individual truss, we figured out how to make templates and cut all similar pieces. One truss was taking us up to 30 to 40 minutes. When got the system flowing we hit a record time of 15 minutes and 27 seconds. We had a few hours to finish 11 trusses. We accomplished that goal. Since we finished, were earned our day of fun, but you will have to wait for that story:)
After several customized cuts for each individual truss, we figured out how to make templates and cut all similar pieces. One truss was taking us up to 30 to 40 minutes. When got the system flowing we hit a record time of 15 minutes and 27 seconds. We had a few hours to finish 11 trusses. We accomplished that goal. Since we finished, were earned our day of fun, but you will have to wait for that story:)
Each night we had dinner guests and the
evening guests were a couple who run an environmental camp in
Naivasha for the local kids and a guy who had been teaching English
in Sudan. I have enjoyed getting to know other people in Africa who
are giving their lives to spread the gospel. It has been so inspiring
and it takes the edge away from actually stepping out to live in
another country. I remember what it felt like after returning from
China. The abrupt uproot of my life wasn't evident until I came back
and tried to re-establish myself. Over the years, I let fear set in
of not having the comforts of life. Comfort is like stagnant water,
it stinks.
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